Nov 10, 2007

30 on a saturday night

I promised myself i would keep up with this, promised that this would be indicative of the dreams in my life... start something get excited make some headway and then..... nothing. Like I never even knew it existed the fleeting moment of direction is scattered to the waste side I have had quite a few of those:

Move to Brazil open a beach side bar and treat each day as an adventure in living, never made it to Brazil and I have no clue as to what it would take to open, stock and run a shanty bar on the beach in any community let alone Brazil.

Ok so that didn't exactly pan out but is that because I just spent two hours on the net while I was at work looking at I mean I didn't put a whole lot of effort into it at all. Then there is the language of portuguese, never even made an attempt to study it. Yet and still I really dreamed of my life in Brazil for months.

I'm like that in some respects. I love to dream, not necessarily work hard to accomplish the dream - just dream. That is a very blunt and frank statement about my own lack of motivation that might not fully express the whole of me, but it definitely is a portion.

I remember as a kid I used to love going to sleep just so I could get to that dream state thats in between sleep and conciousness. I used to dream about everything from inventing things to designing miniature cars that kids could drive on the street, (sorta like a spree but a car). Man, I mean i would come up with the craziest stuff like G.I.Joe's with cameras mounted in the heads of the figures and they were actually robots you could control. yeah, I have a history of dreaming thats for sure...... I digress

Keeping myself focused is an issue. hell look at the direction of this blog. I haven't stayed on track for more than three paragraphs.

So there was Brazil, there was Paris, there is Spain, there was Miami...etc.
The list just goes on and on and here is always a plausible thing to do when i get there to live there, sort of ( remember the beach bar).

My point if I have one is the same point many people have entering into their 30's.... If I have really spent the past 30 years dreaming about doing things when am I going to start actually doing things? The answers are all cliche. "There is no better time to start than right now..." or "....the onlything holding you back is you..."

You see these kinds of statements are great but they lack actual substance. They include everything you need to get a demotivated person up off he couch and excited about the start up, only to fail on the follow through.
Then they find themselves back on the couch up till 4in the mornin depressed about their situation only to find hope in some proven12 steps to wealth and instant riches progam they saw on tv to start the wole process over agin.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I haven't done things wih my life. Just not all the things I dream of. Over the course of the next 30 years I really want to do just that I want to work at making my dreams come true. I can't afford to be he little boy dreaming up great ideas only to use them as instruments o exscape every night.

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